Sunday, October 28, 2012

HTWF NaNoWriMo Series

NaNoWriMo starts this week. While a number of HTWF posts might be of some help (see especially the Fast Drafting series), here are the ones that I wrote specifically to help make your NaNoWriMo a success. I've included a guest post from NaNoWriMo guru Rochelle Melander. (I'll be guest posting on her blog on November 8 with my NaNoWriMo Survival Kit.)


  1. All great tips, Peter. Thanks for laying the groundwork. I'll be working on the first draft of book 3 in the Lily Carmichael trilogy (giving my latest WIP a rest before diving into revisions). Wish me luck! 50k would be an awesome start so maybe I could get that third book out sooner rather than later:-)

  2. Thanks, PJ. I'm going to NaNo this year, too. Good luck!
