Sunday, July 15, 2012

How to Write Fast Top Ten Posts - June/July

How to Write Fast celebrated its first month this past week. It has had over 1,200 views from 20 different countries. By number of views, here are the top ten posts:
  1. Guest Post - Write Faster with Scrivener (with Gwen Hernandez)
  2. Writing Prep 1 - Inspiration is not your friend
  3. Draft 1 - Stop endless looping
  4. Every Other Friday - Kristan Higgins interview
  5. How to Stop Dithering
  6. Up Your Productivity
  7. Draft 2 - Write to Someone Specific
  8. Writing Prep 3 - Highlight your reasons for writing
  9. Eat the Elephant
  10. Don't Dream It, Be It
Thank you, readers. And please let me know if you have questions or topics you'd like me to cover. Write to or leave a comment below.


  1. How about a lesson or blog on use of One Note. if you don't use it, maybe one of your writer peeps who does would do a quick tutorial. I have it, but don't think to use it. I know there is a ton to be done with it, but I haven't spent enough time figuring it out. Kind of like Triberr and Pinterest...I know I should, but...there are only so many hours in a day.

  2. Sounds like a good idea. I'll poke around and see what I can do.
    Thanks for the suggestion.
